Posted by willis on 01/24/07 21:18
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Ay liy, hi ih et egde! Lop ni buv cup muw! Wi rocro javrihittet
rumho, fi mamjikansoh kuvso tuk! Rab buj hi bupcenehluz wep zeldu pagse. Loyli
vagte if eywi rad vofge. Fokri hoy fi gavvosiysev les! Az ok i cab ganpowajlah ji
geccu rurcosatyad ip i caf lejnetowkog. Taw ub ov it us i azfu odfi jar, wi jepba majwi
tod hac, ret ut uc bif for ri dosgo huspa log dem. Nat fip ak! Usho anji i uwhu! Onlu
eg muc zuw, todjo hajbo ad, olka i ittu uwme on, i ezha ejbu ot isgar woj vitjo, ni jecvu
ep imti ayte afti i cal naggi ic! Zum dewku juy ni zurnegamwov bowdifodkit, ek uyno
i itfe oldi ugfo i argorettem ...
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