Posted by Jim Burgan on 01/24/07 18:46
> The point again is CONTENT. so long as Blu-ray has content, and the
> other side does not, Blu-ray will continue to increase its lead oiver
> HD-DVD in sales and # titles...it's a self-fulfilling, feedback cycle.
I disagree.
It wasn't content that drove the VHS Beta war (it was recording time).
As for DIVX, I don't think Disney was going to release any films on the
open DVD format.
I do know that once DIVX was declared a failure, FOX and Disney started
releasing movies on standard DVD that they said would never be released as a
gold or silver DIVX title, let alone on open DVD.
All of those companies that have all of their eggs in one camp, will relent
if their format dies.
If Blue Ray becomes the overwhelming winner, It'll take all of 5 minutes at
a Universal Studios Board of Directors meeting to announce they will be
releasing their library on Blue Ray.
Who ever thought you'd see a Sony brand name on a VHS recorder?
I believe right the price of hardware is driving the market (HD DVD players
are outselling Blue Ray 3 or 1 if you exclude the PS3).
If, down the road Sony has a Blue Ray player $299, I'll buy one as long as
the HD-DVD players isn't $129.
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