Reply to Re: Newbie on Mac: Menu background, button and image quality issues

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Posted by Danny Boy on 01/02/06 16:36

markymark wrote:

> You'd have better luck searching/posting on Apple's discussion boards.
> Although you may get lucky and find a user here who knows the answer to your
> questions, this NG doesn't really deal with what you're asking. Best to go
> here for a quicker response:
> -mark

Thanks Mark,

As a matter of fact, I posted there a day before I posted here. And I
posted here because I haven't received any reply there. :-\

I can understand that there are few using Mac here. But what about the
last of the three questions?:

3. In general, how would I go about to achieve best possible quality
when using still images? Which pixel size and/or resolution? File type?
Color depth? Which app is best in handling stills and making clips of
them? Which format should I use when converting (I need PAL 4:3, but
then there are at least half a dozen options I don't know squat about)?
Do I need to blur in some direction? If so, which and how much? Or are
there other trix?

Can someone give some tips?


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