Posted by Terry Pinnell on 01/02/06 17:18
Brian Meadows <usenetposting@meadows.pair.com> wrote:
>On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:06:12 +0100, Terry Pinnell
><terrypin@dial.pipex.com> wrote:
>>Any Nero user able to help please? Here's a little more detail:
>>I posted a similar query earlier, but I'll try aging here with more
>>explicit details.
>>I used the updates at
>>to update my OEM package ( etc, came with my drive in June) to
>> etc. These parts installed OK: Nero-,
>>But after installing NVE- ShowTime now seems broken.
>>DVDs that I recorded myself which played OK before are now terrible.
>>They play a fraction of a second (with sound), then there is about 5
>>seconds frozen, then another fraction, and so on.
>>Also, on commercial DVDs I am now seeing a message that "Dolby Digital
>>2-channel decoding is not available". Yet I'm pretty sure I could get
>>sound before. And my other DVD players, such as PowerDVD and WMP9,
>>play the audio OK.
>>So, I hope the experts here can help answer these please:
>>1. Why are my previously 'good' DVDs not playing?
>>2. How can I get a sound track on commercial DVDs?
>>BTW, I've emailed Nero Tech Support, but from experience I'm not
>>hopeful of getting any reply. Do others get any response?
>This is a bit late, Terry, but I've only just started looking
>through the newsgroups to see how others have done with Nero.
>Basically I wouldn't put any hope in them at all. I registered
>Nero 6 Ultra for the video capabilities, and then found that both
>ShowTime AND the video DVD writing routines locked my PC solid
>when used.
>Three months of exchanges with Nero tech support (there seems to
>be about a two week turnround on replies) and they've finally
>pointed me at their list of minimum hardware requirements - a
>list that sure as hell wasn't linked from anywhere in the
>registration process!
>In addition, their tech support told me at one point in the
>exchange that they'd reproduced my problem and that it would be
>fixed in the next release - only to tell me that the message had
>been "a mistake" when I'd waited for the next release and found
>the problem was unchanged.
>They're now blaming the specs of my PC for the problems. Well,
>OK, I can accept that a twin CPU machine based on 500 MHz PIIIs
>is outside their specs for video (once I found the list on their
>WWW site, and it isn't that easy), but I sure as hell don't
>accept that *reproducibly* locking a PC solid (I can't even get
>the Win2K task manager up) when it doesn't meet the minimum
>specification is evidence of well-written software.
>I wouldn't touch Nero with a barge pole - but if there's anyone
>who would like a cheap Nero 6 Ultra registration key, feel free
>to e-mail me an offer for mine!
Thanks Brian.
My experience of Nero's poor support has been similar. In fact I've
not received *any* reply to several of my emails, so you did well!
Having abandoned Nero, what alternative are you using now?
Terry, West Sussex, UK
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