Posted by Derek Janssen on 02/06/07 05:47 wrote:
> It looks like Blu-ray is going for the jugular....
> Both Night at the Museum and Pursuit of Happiness (with Will Smith)
> are coming to Blu-ray in March. Add in the release of Casino Royale to
> Blu-ray and complete silence from the Hd-dvd releases and you know why
> hd-dvd supporters are defecting in droves ;-)
....Yyyyyeahh, so studios are putting new current big-studio releases in
(And HD, if they're Universal, and both if they're Warner or Paramount.)
Was...there...some shocking headline here we missed? 0_o??
Derek Janssen (like, was I not doing enough handsprings when "Rumor Has
It" debuted day/date on hi-def, orrr...?)
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