Posted by Mike Kujbida on 02/07/07 23:32
Kill Bill wrote:
> Check to make sure that your audio file is set at the same settings
> (16-bit/48kHz) as your sequence.
Jim wrote:
> IIRC this can also mean the clip needs rendering (if playing in the
> canvas).
Martin Heffels wrote:
> This usuall means you are trying to playback too many audio-tracks
> than you have specified in the pre-set.
And people wonder why I prefer editing on a PC.
NONE of these issues have ever come up for me with Vegas.
And I mean that sincerely. I've done multi-track (15 or more audio tracks)
with a mix of wave files at 44.1 & 48K, mp3, wma and even mp4s and Vegas
doesn't care :-)
(who's seriously considering a Mac Pro Quad Xeon for his next purchase so
please, no flames)
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