Posted by Mike Kujbida on 02/08/07 11:44
Ura Dippschit wrote:
> In article <dNzyh.4473$sd2.3193@news-server.bigpond.net.au>,
> ushere <removethis.leslie.wand@gmail.com> wrote:
>> in defence of user groups, and some of the very knowledgeable people
>> inhabiting them, (notably in this instance mike and smarty) - where
>> do you actually 'test out' all the various options?
> Hmmm...Apple Stores have Final Cut Pro install on their machines for
> testing out with plenty of files to mess with. Not sure why he'd need
> to test Vegas if he already has it.
That's assuming that there's an Apple store in my immediate area. There
Wait a minute. I'll drop $5,000 on a machine only to find out tha tit
doesn't meet my needs.
Yeah, right.
>> i have found the discussions among the users on this and other
>> groups to be my first port of call when considering any new
>> equipment. i have yet to be mislead by qualified advice / reviews.
>> and at the end of the day, have saved time and money by using other
>> peoples experiences.
Leslie and I think alike.
> Mike says "NONE of these issues have ever come up for me with Vegas"
> as if that should imply that NO Vegas user has ever had a problem or
> that Final Cut users should expect problems. What else could he be
> implying with that statement when leading with "And people wonder why
> I prefer editing on a PC"?
> I've had 15 tracks or more on Final Cut without so much as a hiccup.
> So what? The guy who posted could just have a wrong setting, a bad
> drive, forgot to do something relevant to the problem. Too bad he
> doesn't have Vegas! Then there'd be no problem! :)
Read my original response. I didn't say 15 audio tracks on FCP was a
problem. I said that 15 tracks of varying audio formats WAS a problem for
FCP and that this is something Vegas handles with ease.
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