Posted by nospam on 02/10/07 02:58
Tim McNamara wrote:
> In article <eqgi7n$2u0$2@reader2.panix.com>, abuse@MIX.COM wrote:
>> CD sales continue to decline, however, and file downloads of copy-
>> protected music have not made up the difference. In desperation, the
>> music companies are rethinking the positions.
> Too bad, so sad for the recording industry. The reason that CD sales
> are falling is that the music sucks. If they put out decent music,
> they'd sell more CDs. But instead they put out crap and nobody buys it.
> "It must be the pirates' fault! That's it! The public is too stoopid
> to know that the music we sell is just recycled ABBA over and over
> again. So if it's not selling, it has to be the pirates!"
> Arrr!
yes, I mentioned elsewhere tha tthe second-biggest online store in the
world is selling unprotected music, loads of it. I wonder if this is
being counted in the figures? And all the other online vendors too? The
big labels are loosing sales to independents who are using a better
business model, and the big labels are lying to us about the cause of
thier decline, and trying to bring in legislation and cripple our
computers. It's understandable, but should not be tolerated.
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