Posted by trollbusters on 01/11/26 11:36
On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 20:20:49 -0500, Allan
<Spamsucks@darkbuffyandkantica22arestillbrianlamb.org> wrote:
>On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 00:58:15 GMT, Roy L. Fuchs
><roylfuchs@urfargingicehole.org> wrote:
>> You're worse than Max was if you think the Allentard's crap is funny.
>> Why don't you go find an article on the net, and instead of posting
>>the link to it, cut and paste it here like the other retard you aspire
>>to be like.
>Worth repeating:
>On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 00:52:53 -0600, pjmathias@uaa.ak.edu Gave us:
>>The Death of DVD
>>DVD will soon be a thing of the past.
> You're an idiot. I haven't even read your poorly written CRAP yet,
>and I can tell that you're an idiot.
>> DVD was never a standard to be
>>taken seriously, yet many in the industry believed it was the future.
> You're not an idiot, you're a total retard!
>>DVDs have been very disappointing in general.
> You're an idiot.
>> We should all go back
>>to video tape, or better yet, 8mm film and the old fashioned portable
>>movie screen.
> Oooops... I take it back. You're a retarded troll, fuktard!
>> DVDs are an all around failure.
> Yep... troll.
>> Like the 8-track tape,
>>DVD was a failure right from the start and should have never been
>>released to the public.
> 8-track had problems. This MAY be the only thing you have ever said
>that was close to being correct.
>> DVD will never be a viable format.
> 20 billion units sold would tend to show that you are an uninformed
>retarded troll, at best.
>> DVD is so
>>lacking in quality and user ability, there is no way they will ever be
>>usable, as a permanent transmission of digital data.
> Yep, total troll.
>> One thing that
>>was never considered is that there's a limited amount of digital
>>pixels available on earth, and they are quickly running out.
> The hall of souls will be calling on your lame ass soon as well,
>> It will
>>soon be too costly to mine the earth for additional digital pixels
>>which will cause far too much damage to the earth as a whole, and the
>>pixels that are now being mined are of inferior quality compared to
>>those which have been used in the past.
> Yeah... it will cost nearly as much as it would to harvest a single
>working neuron from your skull cavity.
>> Without these digital pixels,
>>the DVD disc can no longer be manufactured.
> You're not a retarded troll. You're a sad excuse for a retarded
>> DVD is fading and will
>>soon be a thing of the past.
> DVD will last another ten years... easily.
>> They only served the purpose of adding
>>wealth to the pockets of those businesses who financially raped the
>>masses during the initial release of the format, knowing well that the
>>format would soon become unusable and fade out of favor.
> You're a retarded twit. They were cheaper than both VHS as well as
>> DVD will
>>soon be history and their short life span will be little more than a
>>mention in the history books of the electronics industry.
> Incorrect. The only mention you'll get is that of a retarded Usenet
>troll. Hell, even in that realm, you don't even rate buck private.
>> It's only a
>>short time before DVD will be gone from our lives forever.
> Maybe yours. Millions of folks around the world disagree with you
>entirely, however... IDIOT.
>snipped retarded quote of whatever this retarded troll thought was
> I say the death of all retarded troll fucks like you is what is
>really on the horizon.
>"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
>because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
>-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
>- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_
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