Posted by POD {ҿ} on 04/09/07 23:06
<toynostalgiaman@blueyonder.co.uk> once tried to test me. I ate their
liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
> just look at that tatoo on this star wars item on ebay
> nice!
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=50260&item=
> 100221528
Two things....
1. you're a spamming twat, and I hope you die miles from nowhere so the
worms feast on you before you're found.
2. That's not a tattoo, no Star Wars nerd virgin toy collector is going
to have a tattoo, you need your balls to drop before you get a tattoo,
that's just a shite bit of photoshop.
Thank you kindly
POD {ҿ}
Oh people, know that you have committed great sins.
If you ask me what proof I have for these words,
I say it is because I am the punishment of God.
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.
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