Reply to Please make recommendations to a novice with limited criteria

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Posted by jeff on 04/26/07 19:53

Hi, I'm considering buying something along the lines of an Ipod for
outdoor use but I'm not sure because to me the sound quality leaves
something to be desired. To my ears at least, a cassette walkman
actually sounds better. Right now I'm using and enjoying a Sony NetMD
minidisc player however it would be nice to be able to have a
collection of music stored on the hard disc rather than carry around

I don't need anything more than the ability to store about 100 CDs
worth of music at any given time. That should pretty much cover it,
for my needs.
I doubt that I'll use it for downloading MP3 files, I'm more
interested in copying my CDs to it directly.
On the other hand, I would like the ability to download podcasts, and
I'm unsure if that requires an Ipod specifically or not.
Older technology is fine, as long as its proprietary battery is long
lasting and easily replaceable.
I'd like to find something that sounds as good as minidisc, if it
Don't care about physical aesthetics or size, or video.

Looking forward to your suggestions. Jeff


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