Posted by Justin on 01/10/06 14:52
NYC XYZ wrote on [10 Jan 2006 06:49:22 -0800]:
> Justin wrote:
>> Most sources say it's Video, you understand?
> Most sources work off press releases, you know?
Definition of DVD - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
One entry found for DVD.
Main Entry: DVD
Pronunciation: "dE-(")vE-'dE
Function: noun
Etymology: digital video disc
: a high-capacity optical disk format; also : an optical disk using such
a format and containing especially a video recording (as a movie) or
computer data"
n : a digital videodisc; a recording (as of a movie) on an optical disk
that can be played on a computer or a television set [syn: videodisk,
videodisc, DVD]"
Notice a pattern here about your level of wrongness?
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