Posted by Smarty on 05/09/07 00:46
Well, it seems the only question you have been asking from the start but
never explicitly stated is simply whether this HD2 camcorder can or cannot
record 60 fps.
I was initially trying to understand your stated concerns, which you
expressed as what the specs said, versus what the manual said, and their
apparent contradiction.
Obviously you cannot provide a nonexistent statement from the manual. The
fact that is does not exist may be altogether clear to someone like yourself
who apparently has the manual to read, but its' absence is not the slightest
bit obvious to someone like myself who has neither the camera or the manual
but was merely trying to help you.
"Peter Niemayer" <niemayer@isg.de> wrote in message
> Smarty wrote:
>> If the contradiction is between the spec saying 60 and the manual saying
>> otherwise (a max of 30), you have not provided this quote from the manual
>> to show such a contradiction.
> How would one quote a non-existing statement?
>> Is there indeed a statement in the manual which explicitly states that
>> the camera only can record up to 30, and not 60 fps?
> No, but there's neither any explanation of how one would enter a 60fps
> recording mode.
> "Proving" that the 60fps mode is non-existing within the HD only according
> to the existing manual is as impossible as proving the non-existence of
> any deity from a set of ancient books... :-)
> Regards,
> Peter Niemayer
> PS: Of course I asked this question to the Sanyo-support, too, I'll let
> you know if I ever get an answer.
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