Posted by mmaker@my-deja.com on 05/14/07 16:00
On May 13, 7:25 pm, "Ken Maltby" <kmal...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> So they bought Pinnacle to acquire their share of the "pro
> market"?
Well, I don't regard Pinnacle as Avid :).
> There are a lot more "Joe Sixpacks" with camcorders
> than there are your typical effeminate NYC or Left Coast
> Videographers.
And there's a much bigger margin in selling $50k professional systems
than in selling cheapo systems to Joe Sixpack. You might make a couple
of dollars (or less) on each Sixpack system vs tens of thousands on
one pro system.
> I have no way of knowing the history of this AVCHD footage
> you saw that "looked awful". There are any number of ways to
> mess-up video, this includes operator error, as well as the more
> technical issues.
Shot 1920x1080 on the camera, played back on a 1920x1080 LCD TV from
the camera. Compared to HDV from a Z1, there was a huge amount of
color bleed and a noticeably lower resolution.
I'm not sure what the TV does with interlaced footage, but it does a
good simulation of interlace flicker when I feed interlaced video with
thin horizontal lines into it :).
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