Posted by Ingo Lembcke on 05/19/07 08:53
>Twin Peaks Series 2
The German DVD is out, in 2 Boxes, 2.1 and 2.2, being that they
have english sound (and german) I bought them and canceled my
US-Order, which is one Box, but would have been hit with
customs - making it rather expensive. Maybe I will order a
complete Box set, when they can put the pilot in (some say
this is coming in October/November, but I have not seen a
definitve announcement).
Ordering from amazon.de should be possible, if you need help there,
just say so. Prices are in Eur, being that UK did not bother to switch,
you should check exchange rates ( finance.yahoo.com has a
currency calculator for that ).
Ingo Lembcke
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