Posted by guv on 05/20/07 11:21
On Sun, 20 May 2007 11:27:42 +0100, "Dr Zoidberg"
<alexNOOOOOO!!!!!!!@drzoidberg.co.uk> wrote:
>> I at first I thought that HD-DVD would win but after reading more and more
>> about 'the war' it did look like the tide's were turning against HD-DVD in
>> favour of Blu-Ray. Whether either get the 'critical mass' to make them
>> main stream I think remains to be seen. I personally can see one of them
>> becoming the next laser disc of the film media world. Downloading is
>> where the future is IMHO.
>Video on demand certainly looks to have potential through cable.
>More so than downloading conventionally as more and more ISPs introduce caps
>and restrictions on what you can get with extra usage charges potentially
>coming as they have in Aus and NZ.
>If you have to pay once for the content and again for the bandwidth it will
>be very pricey.
True, which is why your choice of ISP is important. I'm now with BE,
which claims to be unlimited, though there is a soft 350GB cap. Thats
an awful lot of downloads - which I never get anywhere near. And with
my D/L speed of 1.3MBps, a full DVD5 can be got in about an hour.
Its all good ATM - but I can see the time coming when big D/L ers are
hit by silly caps or content analysed. That said, with on demand how
thats going to work with this in mind is anyones guess.
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