Posted by Gunther Gloop on 05/23/07 16:03
"Ingo Lembcke" <ilembcke@t-online.de> wrote in message
> Hello,
>>True there discs now don't stand up against
>>modern anamorphic releases, but remember, these releases predated
>>widescreen TVs.
> There is at least one disc, they re-issued as anamorphic:
> Brazil
> Due to it being a 3-DVD-Box they recognized, that the "early"
> buyers (was in 1999 my reason to start with DVD) of the Box
> need only this one disc, they issued it as a Single-Disc for the
> Box and as the 3-DVD-Box-Version. Very smart not to fool their
> customers.
> Still being my #1 favorite film, I also bought the single-disc !
Hmmm. I didn't know that was out. The quality of the one in the 3-disc box
is quite bad, but I didn't know it was re-released. Is the anamorphic one a
lot better? ...As good as it could/should be?
I just might purchase.
On another front, did you read my 'theory' on why Brazil is called Brazil?
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