Posted by David Ruether on 06/03/07 16:34
"Freddo" <homealone@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:465a6edf$0$17388$afc38c87@news.optusnet.com.au...
> Video and motion graphics is my passion.
> Does anyone know of tours or related places of interest when I visit Seattle and down the west coast mid June - July '07 I should
> see?
> Thanks,
> Bill
My memory is fading a bit on specifics, but here goes...
In Seattle, Pike Place Market (Public Market) on a
Saturday; Gasworks Park in the evening; Seattle Center
late afternoon, going to the top of the Space Needle
to watch sunset; Bremerton ferry in the late afternoon.
Mount Rainier National Park - there are some
SPECTACULAR views of it from cliff-edge trails
leading away from Paradise Valley Inn (be careful!),
and some nice Alpine meadow areas - and if you are
VERY adventurous, there are conducted climbs to
the top of the 14.000' high volcano (still active...).
Mt. St. Helens, that blew up not long ago. The coast
toward Oregon and the Oregon coast are interesting,
with the huge Crater Lake inland being very impressive.
South into California on Coast Rt. 1 you find the
Redwoods (National Park, State Parks, and the
Rockefeller Woods), Pt. Reyes, Muir Woods, Sausalito,
the Golden Gate Bridge (take the exit just before it
to get a great view of the bridge and San Francisco).
In San Francisco, sigh, there is SO MUCH! Try
Golden Gate Park (many things there - walk from the
Panhandle on the right side in to the conservatory,
on to the tree-fern area, the museum and tea garden
area, water areas, horse area, and finally onto the
long wide beach at the ocean. Take a trolley back.
Walk from Market Street up Grant until you get
to the water (passing through the financial district,
Chinatown, the old red light district, the old bohemian
area, and finally to the fish markets, chocolate
factory, boats, etc.). Take the Powell St. cable car
back. Any cable car ride in the evening is a treat!
BTW, at any given spot, you may have a transportation
choice of: trolley, cable car, bus, underground trolley,
BART, or taxi - or just walk (the city is VERY hilly,
but small). On Telegraph Hill, explore the odd spots
where a mysterious street sign appears - there is likely
an associated hole with stairs, gate, or some such
that can lead you through gardens, to interesting
views, or even out into space on a stairway suspended
in front of a high cliff (think "3-D" in SF, though the
street map appears to be a grid...;-). Explore the
other parks in SF - some are developed, some are
wild lands (great if you catch the fog puffing through
the trees, or flowing over the hill tops...). On the way
out, the area just NE of Stanford U. in Palo Alto has
some very dense dark woods plus redwoods plus
golden grass areas. Go from here to the ocean and
Rt. 1 over the mountains. Go down Rt. 1 as far as
you want - it is a VERY beautiful coastline after
Monterey. Stop at Pt. Lobos (Edward Weston's
source...;-) and Big Sur, plus any other state parks
of interest. The coast route is alternating sweeps out
to the sea cliffs and into the canyon ends - it can be
"interesting" to drive it...;-) San Simeon ("Hearst's
Castle") is interesting. 'Course, if you are in the area,
try not to miss Yosemite National Park (SUPER!),
Kings-Canyon/Sequoia, and if you dare (heed ALL
the safety advice, particularly about water-quantity
stocks!!!). Death Valley National Park.
David Ruether
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