Posted by guv on 06/08/07 22:16
On Fri, 08 Jun 2007 16:30:24 +0100, Peter
<peter@SPAMMERSGOTOHELL.allblue.f9.co.uk> wrote:
>On Fri, 8 Jun 2007 15:39:50 +0100, "Mike" <me@privacy.net> wrote:
>>are these the same thing? a digital video recorder?
>Well, as I understand it, PVR is a subset of DVR.
>A PVR (personal video recorder) records digitally (typically onto a
>hard drive), and is therefore a DVR (digital video recorder). However,
>there are other forms of DVR - for example, those which record video
>onto disc (DVD-R etc) or tape (digital video cassette).
>OK, so who's going to tell me I've got it all wrong?
I would say thats about right - but add that a PVR in reality allows
scheduled programming to be recorded.
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