Posted by Lloyd Parsons on 06/08/07 20:25
In article <136je7d47g4vq5f@corp.supernews.com>,
Doug Jacobs <djacobs@shell.rawbw.com> wrote:
> In alt.games.video.sony-playstation2 asjbiotek@gmail.com wrote:
> > Really? Must be news to all those PS3 owners who use it for just about
> > everything - music, games. movies, and even contributing processing
> > power for medical research (more than 250,000 PS3s provide free
> > computing power to the medical grid)
> The only reason to buy a PS3 is for the games, of which there are precious
> few - not what I'd consider a good use of $600.
> Movies - I have separate hardware for that.
> Paralell computing project - it's pretty sad that this still gets touted
> as one of the best features of a GAME CONSOLE.
> Give me games - good, exclusive games - and maybe we'll talk about how
> awesome the PS3 is. Right now, it's a $600 console that has maybe 2 decent
> exclusives, and is undergoing an identity crisis with regards to its online
> service.
> > Oh, haven't dropped in awhile but some news:
> > 1. Blu-ray continues to widen its sales lead over Hd-DVD
> Which matters why, exactly? Even if blu-ray conquers the video market,
> what exactly does that do for the PS3 as a gaming console? NOTHING. But,
> oh, it'll be a $600 movie player in a market flooded by $300 players.
> Yeah, that's a bright future.
> And even though HD video sales slowly increase, they still only make up
> what, 1%, compared to what DVD is still doing.
You have to excuse the BluRay fanboys, they do get carried away
sometimes. Right now you have two competing formats that essentially
look and sound the same, fighting over a tiny marketshare and trying to
figure out what it takes to make it all fly off the shelves.
Neither has figured it out yet.
> > 2. Matrix on Hd-dvd, which was hyped by toshiba/microsoft and was the
> > biggest hd -dvd release this year was a complete disaster, selling
> > only 13k units!
> Did you ever stop to think that this could be because:
> * 80% of the market doesn't even have a HDTV - so HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are
> worthless to them.
> * People already bought each movie separately, then bought the "ultimate
> collection" - just how many times do you expect people to purchase the
> same movies over and over again? (that goes for blu-ray titles too, you
> know.)
> * Most of that 20% who already own a HDTV aren't getting involved with the
> format war.
> So, enjoy your blu-ray movies on your under-featured, overpriced blu-ray
> player that sometimes thinks it's a game console.
> The rest of us are content to wait out the format war while playing
> consoles that actually have decent libraries.
The Matrix set sold quite well considering it was about $80 or more for
the disks. In sales of disks, BluRay vs HDDVD is about 52:48 or
somewhere thereabouts. Shows that neither are doing as well as some had
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