Posted by dgates on 06/10/07 06:36
On Sat, 9 Jun 2007 23:33:11 -0400, "Robo-man" <duffy12@cox.net> wrote:
>"Beowulfie" <enigma@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> Why in the world has Target put out a "special Target" box Alien with only
>> the first three movies? Are we supposed to forget number 4? Why not drop
>> the third also since it was as bad as the fourth one.
>Even though #3 was a screw up. It still has its moments. But #4 is an
>abortion. Absolutely unwatchable from start to finish. With NO moments
>whatsoever. I need an airsick bag just thinking about it.
Different strokes, eh? I liked 4 more than 3 by a longshot. In fact,
I was fairly pleased, walking out of the the theater after seeing it.
I'll take a movie that has a scene like this:
over a movie with a scene like this:
That said, no need for us to debate the point. You've certainly got
the numbers on your side. From IMDB:
Alien 3: 6.4
Alien 4: 6.0
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