Posted by Max on 06/16/07 14:15
"guv" <guv69@msn.com> wrote in message
> On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 12:48:53 GMT, "Max" <maxieffect@gmail.com> wrote:
>>I know a lot of you guys deal or buy from ebay.
>>I had a buyer who bid on 2 signed photo's @ 4.99 each and won them both
>>Didnt pay, emailed about 4 times, opened a dispute closed it today. I
>>emailed them Thursday for 1 last chance.
>>Now they have a feedback of 2 (yes I know)
>>Do I leave a 2 x Negs (which i think will kick them off ebay, or do I do I
>>leave Neutrals).
>>Both the other sellers who sold to this person before have been kicked of
>>ebay since..
>>What do you reckon?
> Why did you close it?
> I assume that means you will now have to pay ebay fees as if the sale
> went ahead now and also to relist?
> Up to you on the neg part. But you can be sure that he will do so in
> return - which is why the system is pretty pointless overall.
Closed it becuase they never got in touch, refund on the fees and unpaid
item mark for them.
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