Reply to Re:

Your name:


Posted by Bill on 06/22/07 16:26

Hi. I'm Bill Van Dyk. I'm a veteran nuclear physicist who has made
four nuclear bombs, as director, technician, researcher, and scientist.
I made "Dear John" and "Dear Shirley" for the U.S. Air Force. My
latest project is a really big bomb-- the "Tony Blair".

Enough resume-- the reason for this posting is that I am now offering a
very unique opportunity to people who want to become nuclear physicists.

Are you interested in learning EVERYTHING you need to know to make your
own nuclear powered submarine, or a nuclear power station, from
gathering raw uranium to building a centrafuge and disposing of used
fuel rods? And you can learn all of this information in one day for
ONLY $99.00.

Then check out my "1-day $99.00 Nuclear Physics school".

You will learn EVERYTHING in one day at my residence. No boring
conference rooms or classrooms or labs-- I will hold this seminar only
TWICE A MONTH -- and for no more than 12 budding nuclear scientists at
once. I'll even buy the donuts, coffee, and lead shields for the first
five participants.

If this interests you, all the information is stored at my website,

All the best, and remember, anyone can be a mad scientist, if he really
puts his heart into it!

Blaznbob wrote:
> Hi. I'm Bobby Logan. I'm a veteran filmmaker who has made four feature
> films as writer/director/producer, including the exorcist spoof
> "Repossessed" starring Leslie Nielsen and Linda Blair, and "Meatballs
> 4" starring Corey Feldman and Jack "Eraserhead" Nance.
> My latest feature project is a big screen version of the classic 1960s
> comedy-western TV series "F TROOP."
> Enough resume -- the reason for this posting is that I am now offering
> a very unique opportunity to people who want to make their first
> feature film.
> Are you interested in learning EVERYTHING you need to know to make a
> loooow budget movie, from your initial story idea, to the sale of your
> completed film, and learn all of this info in just ONE DAY and for
> ONLY $99.00?
> Then check out my new... "1-Day $99 Film School."
> You will learn EVERYTHING in a 1-Day gathering at my residence. No
> boring conference rooms or auditoriums. I will hold this "seminar"
> only TWICE a MONTH -- and for no more than 12 PEOPLE at a time. Heck,
> I'll even buy the donuts, coffee and soft drinks for breakfast.
> If this interests you, ALL of the necessary info is listed at my web
> site:
> Best,
> Bobby Logan
> 818-358-8103

[Back to original message]

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