Posted by webpa on 06/30/07 22:47
On Jun 30, 11:22 am, Harry <paminifa...@netscape.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a Tyco, digital, Video Recorder being used for cams.
> Right now it is hooked up to tv, and the night pictures are
> full of "bubbles" (large, small and medium size spheres),
> which obliterate the pictures. How can i get rid of the
> "bubbles"? Also i see an awful lot of bugs flying around.
> Truly
1. If English is your native language, please learn how to write it
using correct, non-irritating syntax and punctuation.
2. What are "cams"? Exactly?
3. Before it was "...hooked up to tv...", what was it hooked up to?
Someone famous? How about now?
4. Can you explain "bubbles" and "bugs" in terms more common in video
technology syntax?
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