Posted by guv on 07/01/07 23:16
On Sun, 01 Jul 2007 22:09:04 GMT, "ThePunisher"
<thepunisher@ntlworld.com> wrote:
>>> Hmmm... a lampshade hanging down and you, swinging your arms above
>>> your head, I can't imagine how the two would ever meet.
>> I can. I can also see how easy that error was to have made. Oh and to
>> add to it, it was the first time I had used this device. Yes, I did
>> check the surrounding area for potential contact, but since I moved to
>> a slightly different part of the room, I was obviously now in a
>> "danger zone". Maybe your rooms are all padded?
>No, but I'm capable of looking round to see if I'll hit anything while
>swinging my arms like a chimp.
> >> Maybe you should open your eyes next time.
>> I dont have eyes in the back of my head - and it wasn't at my house.
>> ie unfamiliar surroundings.
>Like I said, try looking around once in a while.
I dont suppose you are one of these people who have never knocked a
glass over when someone sitting next to you has foolishly place a
drink on the floor next to your feet? The lightshade in question here
was static. Not everything is. Accidents happen - particularly with a
device thats meant to have your arms flailing around "like a chimp".
>>> Did you read the intro on one of the links you posted?
>> No, I just googled Wii damage and thousands of links popped up. I did
>> however look at some of the content. I have no doubt that thousands of
>> Wii's will go through life without any damage. I just cant figure why
>> you continue to go "LALALALALALALALA"
>See the thing is I don't blame the Wii I blame the people. Something you see
>to have a problem doing.
In many cases, yes I'd agree with what you are saying. But not all of
them. I wouldn't say I was blaming the Wii for me hitting a lamp
shade, but its undeniable it was the major factor. Or are you
suggesting I normally flail my arms around? Open your eyes, I hear you
say. Well guess what, my eyes were open, but I didnt see this ever
happening. Accidents do happen, its a fact of life.
>>> ""Wii have a problem" is a blog focused on bringing you the latest
>>> trend in gaming violence. That of damage caused by "window lickers"
>>> who should not be participating in activity of any form"
>> So read some of the others.
>I did, most of them say the same thing, "Look at the damage these dickheads
>>> But you're right no fuckwits here,
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D92zvPll4co
>> So you found a group of pissed up tossers.
>I didn't find them, you did, the video was on one of the links you posted.
I didnt post any "youtube" links and even on the actual pages of the
links I did post, I couldnt find any direct links to youtube.
>> So what. Do you think they'd have a damaged TV set if they were playing on
>> a 360?
>Who can tell, from the looks of them they would have damaged something even
>if they were not playing anything.
Then why aren't there sites set up with 360s smashing TV sets and
causing injury and damage?
>> Are you suggesting a Wii shouldnt be played in groups? When you've had
>> a drink? Oh, what fun.
>No, I'm saying things can get broken when you're drunk and the Wii being
>there makes no difference at all.
And I'm saying I wasn't drunk, thought everything was clear in the
area of the room I was in and if the Wii wasn't there, it wouldn't
have happened. I am not laying blame on the Wii, but it is undeniable
that the method of play makes it prone to things of this nature
As I have already said, I'm not a console player. The Wii IMHO is a
breath of fresh air in its interactive nature of play. If you ever
played football as a kid, did you ever get injured? Avoidable? Could
have been a divet in the grass and twisted ankle. Would I say it was
the footballs fault? Nope - but if you werent chasing it about,
concentrating on what you were doing, that twisted ankle wouldn't of
happened. Its the very nature af physical movements. Sometimes shit
happens. The Wii is no different
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