Posted by sandy58 on 07/02/07 00:12
On Jul 1, 11:17 pm, Léon Obers <mail.to...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking to good ripping software for converting DVD to avi or
> mpeg4, etc..
> Easy in use, but with good tweaking options and a good quality.
> Tried some ripping software, but by very much applications within
> the "wood"it is hard to find out just one good.
> Did not get best satisfied results till now.
> E.g. AoA DVD ripper, simple but not the most sharp movie. Image is a
> little soft.http://www.dvdkit.net/dvd_ripper.htm
> YASAVideoConverterhttp://www.yasasoft.com/videoconverter
> Very good in some options. Far more sharp movies as AoA DVD ripper.
> (Especially when text is in the movie).
> Has much options for tweaking. But you have to be a pro to understand
> the options. No single word about those pro options within the helpfile.
> I was looking the tool for "deblocking" the mosaic artifacs in some fast
> changing images. Because I could not find, it is a no no application.
> So I am looking for a good application, with good quality image and much
> and easy tools to understand tweak in a great range of options.
> - sharp
> - self tweaking pixel width and height / cropping options
> - deblocking mosaic artifacts (Y UV)
> - deringing (Y UV)
> - remove interlace options
> - set output frame rate etc.
> --
> Vr.groet - regards, Léon Obers
With all your "wants & don't wants" Leon you should be
ordering this software to be MADE to your "specs", chum.
Not scratching around in this lowly newsgroup among us mere mortals,
expecting miracles
....."silk purse" & "sow's ear" come to mind. :-)
Velly Solly - Mijn oprechte verontschuldigingen, me.
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