Posted by |T?ߪRt?@$t on 07/07/07 17:12
You are quite correct, I did a web site for a detective agency and I
remember having to refer to places as The Americas.
But it's a minor mistake, in the same way as US Citizens think they speak
NE way, you can still rip to one track with CDEX
http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/ or combine several tracks, invaluable when
copying something like Sgt. Pepper to MP3.
"Jyeshta" <whatever@twixtntween.com> wrote in message
> On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 14:18:24 +0100, "|T?ߪRt?@$t"
> <|T?ߪRt?@$t@norway_coastline.net> wrote:
>>And, oh I forgot to mention, you appear to be an American
>>something of a national pastime I believe.
> Your posts are usually very informative and I appreciate them,
> but the usage of the term "American" is improper, as there are
> two American continents.
> If you wish to insult U.S. citizens, you could say something
> like, "you appear to be a U.S.A. twat...", which is more
> specific.
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