Posted by Jack (www.villagebbs.com) on 01/12/45 11:37
> If I rent a DVD, I have paid for its use. If I copy that DVD for my
> own use, I am not in violation of the law. I have done nothing to
> compete with the commercial operations of the copyright owner.
Interesting, but good luck trying to argue that if it ever came to it.
This whole 'fair use' business was tried (and lost) before by those DVD
copy program people years ago, remember that?
You Can't Copy That
The DMCA strikes again: Two judges order 321 Studios to stop selling
its DVD copying software.
>From PCWorld:
Anush Yegyazarian, PC World
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Two separate courts, one in California, the other in New York, have
issued orders for 321 Studios, maker of DVDXCopy, to stop selling its
software. That software includes DeCSS code, which circumvents the copy
protection mechanism in commercial DVD movies--an action that is
expressly forbidden by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, no matter
what the circumstance.
The orders aren't permanent, at least not yet. And on Monday, March 8,
the same New York judge who ordered 321 Studios to stop selling its
software granted a temporary stay to his order, pending a hearing set
for March 15.
The DMCA has what's known as a prophylactic regulation (I kid you not).
This preventative blanket rule takes neither context nor intent into
account. So it doesn't matter if you want to use DeCSS and DVDXCopy to
transfer the content of a disc you've bought to a media server in your
home, or if you intend to rent multiple movies from your local video
store and copy them so you don't have to pay for subsequent rentals.
rest of the article ..
> I am not going to have some studio lawyer tell me when I can watch a
> DVD that I rented. I will watch it when I choose to watch it, and if
> that is a month from now, then so be it.
> In no way does watching a DVD I paid to watch when I want to watch it
> compete with the commercial operations of the studio which owns the
> copyright.
The studio lawyers will probably disagree. Also, more than likely they
have infinitely deeper pockets that most people, so in the end they'll
proabably win.
= numsix
= http://813museum.villagebbs.com
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