Posted by Frank on 08/09/07 21:17
On Thu, 09 Aug 2007 16:53:50 -0000, in 'rec.video.production',
in article <Re: Serious Audio Response Flaw in Sony HVR-V1U - Submit
Your Tests in Our Database>,
tonsofpcs <tonsofpcs@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Jul 1, 7:57 am, richard <nom...@butterfly.net> wrote:
>> However I have another issue with the V1's sound. I have 6 of these cameras
>> which have probably been used a total of 100 times in the past 6 months. On 2
>> occasions the audio has gone unstable, resulting on first one channel dropping
>> out, then the other. This happened last week and I went about swapping mics
>> and cables to work out why one channel had disappeared. Then the other channel
>> went to high level white noise. I power cycled the camera and the white noise
>> went but one channel was still missing. I plugged my mics into one of the
>> other cameras and got on with the shoot, and quarantined the suspect camera.
>> However it hasn't played up since. Anyone else experienced this? I suspect
>> it was a HF instability brough on by hot patching mics, indicating an
>> inherently unstable design.
>ABC has. I'd suggest you read this forum post:
Same original post on the Cow, although with different responses.
Frank, Independent Consultant, New York, NY
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Read Frank's thoughts on HDV at http://www.humanvalues.net/hdv/
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