Posted by Derek Janssen on 08/19/07 21:17
ChairmanOfTheBored wrote:
>>And just to bring the thread back where it started:
>>Rather than whine all along about how the "same series from the red and
>>yellow boxes" was actually the new Trek 2.0 series that Paramount was
>>hi-defining, CGI'ing and print-restoring for their combo disks--
>>After having finally taken the leap this weekend and bought that first
>>HDTV set (only a Sharp 720, as a first learning experience), I'd stayed
>>up too late surfing the built-in QAM tuner, caught the late-nite Trek
>>2.0 airing on the local ABC-HD affiliate in the manner for which it was
>>properly intended, and, ahem.......YOW. 0_0
>>Any reports that these are not your grandpa's reruns are herewith
>>(If Paramount's "insane", get a straitjacket and Hannibal-mask ready for
>>me too, I'm havin' jello today.) :)
> OK, dumbass. "YOW" has no fucking definition. So are you saying it is
> better, worse, worth it, or WHAT?
It was an "interior set" episode, so I didn't get to see any of the
new-skool CGI shots--
But as far as the restored-from-vault-film 1967 episode footage, it
could have been shot yesterday.
(Not that I'm advocating buying the HD-DVD combos, of course, but now
that Combos are officially on their way to extinction, the all-Blu
season set should be cheaper.)
And I repeat...YOW. 0_0
Take that either as a contracted "Yowza", or in the Rick James sense,
but they both apply.
Derek Janssen (who also finds his box-free native QAM tuner picking up
everyone else's On-Demand movies for some odd reason, and dang, "300"
looks good in 720)
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