Posted by TH on 09/12/07 22:44
On Sep 12, 2:42 pm, Tarkus <karnev...@atlantabraves.net> wrote:
> In the case of Netflix, if you can find where they say they'll ship you
> as many discs as they can under your contract, as fast as they can, and
> you can prove otherwise, that's fraudulent. I haven't read their fine
> print (as I'm satisfied with my two day turnaround on 90+% of my discs),
> so I have no idea if that's the case or not.
Anywho, you seem to be changing your own statements as the thread
Either way, Netflix has admitted to throttling, yet they also still
claim "as many disks as you want."
There's no embelleshing, it's a flat out lie. You're no dummy and know
the difference. They have already been taken to court once on this and
lost. Anyone who remember this also will remember Netflix having you
"if you agree to the settlement, you get one free disk on us" button.
Which meant if you clicked on it, you couldn't also sue them later for
throttling (I never used it).
Again, if you're satisifed with Netflix's crappy service, more power
to you. You're the perfect consumer as far as these companies go. Most
major companies like people like you, they can do whatever they want
to you and you'll clap and ask for more.
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