Posted by teem on 01/23/06 01:22
No, Tony & Doug.Theres SO MANY people out there ready to correct. On
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 17:12:02 +1030, "Gilgamesh" <gilgamesh@spam.me.not>
>"teem" <sturg57@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
>> It's about time.
>No actually that was the other time travel show
>It's about time, it's about space,
>About two men in the strangest place.
>It's about time, it's about flight -
>Traveling faster than the speed of light.
>This is the tale of the brave crew
>As through the barrier of time they flew.
>Past a fighting minuteman,
>Past an armored knight,
>Past a Roman warrior,
>To this ancient site.
>It's about caves,cavemen too,
>About a time when the earth was new.
>Wait'll they see what is in sight!
>Is it good luck or is it good night?
>It's about two astronauts, it's about their fate,
>It's about a woman and her prehistoric mate.
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