Posted by Max on 10/24/07 20:30
"Gunther Gloop" <thunderbird@SPAMNOkevinforde.com> wrote in message
> It's been a while since there was a good bargain announcement here, but
> amazon.co.uk have reduced the price of the **EXCELLENT** and
> not-too-well-known series The Wire to 15.97 per season!
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/203-2522524-5734329?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=the+wire&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go
> Now that's a good deal.
> If you don't know it, this is US adult cable tv at its finest. It's as
> good as The Sopranos on a good day, and coming from one who loves that
> series that's high praise.
> Don't just skimp and buy the 1st one. Buy all 3 because you won't have
> enough by the end of S1.
> And no, I haven't gotten a job at amazon -I just want to spread the word
> about The Wire. At this price it's criminal.
> -Kevin.
Tis a great show, one of my favs for sure. The next season is the last one
according to something I read a few months ago.. Shame, but all good things
come to an end.
With the postage though its about the same price as Ive seen it elsewhere
17.99 a season. I picked up season one in WH Smiths last Christmas for
15. :-)
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