Posted by Java Jive on 08/28/05 22:13
"Bill" <wh@wh.com> wrote in message news:mfjQe.1939$rj.862@lakeread07...
> I returned a $500 LCD monitor from LG to Best Buy last year
I don't doubt there are some bad desktop monitors around, because some
laptop LCDs have a very poor viewing angle, and if any desktop monitors are
built to the same spec, they will have as well. However, I've used a
Philips and now use a Viewsonic, and I have had no trouble with viewing
angle on either.
> Digital technology isn't always better technology.
An LCD monitor isn't necessarily a digital monitor - many still use the
same analogue connector - but taking your point as I think you meant it,
LCDs have the potential to provide as good a picture as any CRT, but as with
anything else, there are bad ones and good ones. Getting a bad one doesn't
make the whole technology bad. One should always research one's purchases.
A very good reason for buying an LCD is that, as an inevitable consequence
of the technology, CRTs are low-level X-ray sources. This is particularly
important wrt monitors because, depending on eyesight, screen res, etc, one
puts one's face relatively close to it compared with a TV. My eyes used to
tire with CRT monitors, they don't with LCDs - I can work at them happily
for hours.
Also, I have sometimes found houses where children sit right in front of CRT
TVs, and have explained to the parents why this is not a good idea.
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