Posted by Richard Crowley on 11/19/07 20:45
"Pre-Meltdown" wrote ...
> Apropos of your and Steve King's other production advice, keep in mind
> that this is just to get started, to figure out my own directions.
> I couldn't even begin to deal with a script writer now, as there really is
> no precedent for what I'm doing.
I didn't say anything about hiring a scriptwriter. I suggested
that you needed a script. They are not synonymous.
Trying to do this without a script is a recipe for at least
chronic frustration (if not disaster). At the very least you
must have some plan for who your audience is, where
they are coming from, what their expectations (and yours)
are, what you want to show them, how best to do that,
how to explain it, etc. etc. Remember that failing to plan
is planning to fail. :-) Yeah, I thought it was just a clich
too, until I learned first-hand the hard way.
> And yeah, I wish I could do something about the 8' ceilings. I've read
> that painting them very dark (black) can make the space look larger,
Hmm, maybe if you are trying to sell real-estate, but you
are trying to show people how to use your gadget. They
shouldn't even be conscious of the ceiling. And if you must
have it in a shot, better to look like their environment at
> but that might not work when the ceiling is already that low. I'd hate to
> have re-paint it white again!!
One technique is to blast it with a strong light and use the
ceiling itself to advantage as a giant bounce/diffusion surface.
You could even get away with those cheap halogen construction
lights bounced off the ceiling if you know what you are doing
(or have enough time for trial-and-error experimentation).
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