Reply to Re: HDTV is a big ripoff

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Posted by ChairmanOfTheBored on 11/27/07 12:55

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 00:09:56 -0600, wrote:

>On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 16:54:01 -0800, ChairmanOfTheBored
><> wrote:
>>On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 16:10:28 -0600, wrote:
>>>On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 16:05:33 +0000 (UTC), retsuhcs@xinap.moc (Mike S.)
>>>>In article <>,
>>>>Phisherman <> wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:43:45 -0600, wrote:
>>>>>>I've seen HDTVs in stores, restaurants, and many other places.
>>>>>>What's the big deal with them? They are priced about 10 or more times
>>>>>>the cost of a standard tv, and for what? Their picture is no better
>>>>>>than a newer standard tv.
>>>>>You havn't compared these two technologies side-by-side, or maybe you
>>>>>need your vision checked. And yes, HDTVs are expensive but like most
>>>>>newer electronics they have been declining in price. I have a
>>>>>slightly-used CRT monitor for sale, $5 plus shipping.
>>>>Most HDTV's that I've seen in public places are poorly adjusted; and
>>>>worse, usually displaying SD programming stretched to wide screen mode.
>>>>Perhaps this is what the OP is seeing. I have a brother in law who, for 2
>>>>years, has fed an HDTV set using an SD cable box using RF input; he
>>>>insists that "this ***IS*** HDTV".
>>>If this is the case, why are the stores that are selling these tvs not
>>>providing a quality source? I've been to several of the electronics
>>>super stores and the signal was terrible. Worse yet was the Walmart
>>>electronics dept. Half the time there was no signal at all. Of
>>>course I cant expect much from Walmart who sells mostly junk.
>> You're a goddamned retard. They sell as many name brand models as the
>>next store down the street does.
>> It simply boils down to you being a clueless bastard.
>>> But I
>>>have been at restaurants and bars, and watched a few football games
>>>there, and I was not highly impressed.
>> You have to know what the word means first, and your IQ is too low for
>>> A few of those games were
>>>probably the best signal I had seen, but even running certain kitchen
>>>equipment seemed to cause picture distortion.
>> You're an idiot.
>>> Ok, granted, when I was
>>>fixing the house, my electric drill caused interference on my standard
>>>tv too, but static and snow are one thing, blotches and intermittent
>>>picture loss on HDTV are another.
>> Your brain is blotched.
>>> Dollar for dollar, I
>> Dollar for dollar, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about,
>>little boy.
>>> am not
>>>impressed with HDTV for the price, and I really dont care for any of
>>>the flat tv pictures.
>> You're a brainless twit.
>>> I dont know which is lcd or plasma. They all
>>>look the same to me.
>> More proof that you are retarded.
>>> I much prefer an actual CRT tube.
>> reach into one and grab hold of the anode lead, preferably under the
>>insulator cap. Do us all a favor.
>>>(There's nothing wrong with my eyes).
>> It is your brain, boy. Your IQ has to be over 30 to understand, and you
>>rest at about ten.
>People with foul attitudes like you should not be allowed to own

Fuck you, retard! Ever heard of free speech?
>* * * PLONK * * *

Even more retarded.

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