Posted by Lester Bangs on 01/30/06 09:36
a.. OVERALL: Draw (lifted from
http://www.dvdcompare.net/comparisons/film.php?fid=720 )
Between the French R0 UE and R0 Australian CE, for including both versions
of the film and DTS for the theatrical version. R0 UE has a better and
sharper transfer for the theatrical version and the TV version is broken
into two parts (refer to notes), most of the extras are also in French. R4
CE has best selections of extras, but the theatrical version is slightly
cropped on both sides and it has a darker transfer. Picture comparison
between the two versions can be found here: DuneInfo.com
Other Releases:
R1 "Extended Edition" is expected to be released on the 31st January 2006,
it will include both "Theatrical cut" and "Extended cut" of the film, and
both films will be presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen along with an
English Dolby Digital 5.1 track with good extras.
If youre a real fan: The R2 German 4-Disc "Perfect Collection" has both
versions ("Theatrical version" and "TV version"), and the theatrical version
is anamorphic (fairly good transfer it seems), and with English 5.1 -sound
(German-subtitles are optional). But again, despite the attractive looking
packaging, many of the extras are just taken straight from the Dune -web
site, and most of them are only in German.
General Notes:
David Lynch shot far more film than eventually appeared in the 131 min (PAL)
"Theatrical version", intending it to have been a four hour epic. The studio
subsequently re-edited it as a TV mini series without Lynchs approval, and
thus his name was removed from the credits and replaced with the standard
pseudonym "Alan Smithee". This "TV-version" runs app. 176 min (PAL). There
are some other changes between the releases, and more info can be found
To see a picture comparison between R2 Germany Laser Paradise, R2 Germany
Perfect Collection (both versions) and R0 SE UK, go here:
a.. R0 CE Australia - (Force Entertainment) - No Cuts - "Theatrical
Version" and "TV Version".
b.. R0 UE France - (Universal Pictures) - No Cuts - "Theatrical Version"
and "TV Version".
c.. R0 Italy - (CVC Video) - No Cuts - "Theatrical version".
d.. R0 Korea - (Daum/Universal) - No Cuts - "Theatrical Version".
e.. R0 SE United Kingdom - (Sanctuary Visual Entertainment) - No Cuts -
"Theatrical Version" 130.59 mins (PAL).
f.. R1 America - (Universal Pictures) - No Cuts - "Theatrical Version".
g.. R2 Denmark - (Jupiter) - No Cuts - "Theatrical Version".
h.. R2 France - (Opening/GCTHV) - No Cuts - "Theatrical version"
i.. R2 Germany - (Laser Paradise - Paradise Edition) - 2 scenes are said
to be cut from the "Theatrical version". Inc. "Theatrical version" and "TV
j.. R2 Germany - (Laser Paradise/Astro) - No cuts - "Theatrical version"
k.. R2 Germany - (Marketing Film - Perfect Collection) - No cuts -
"Theatrical version" and "TV version"
l.. R2 Germany - (Marketing Film - Theatrical version) - No cuts -
"Theatrical version"
m.. R2 Germany - (Marketing Film - TV version) - No cuts - "TV version"
n.. R2 Holland - (Boxxz) - No cuts - "Theatrical version"
o.. R2 Italy - (Medusa Video) - No cuts - "Theatrical version"
p.. R2 SE Italy - (Medusa Video) - No cuts. Inc. "Theatrical version" and
"TV version"
q.. R2 Japan - (Beam Entertainment - Theatrical version) - No cuts -
"Theatrical version"
r.. R2 Japan - (Beam Entertainment - TV version) - No cuts - "TV version"
s.. R2 Japan - (Comstock - Theatrical version) - No cuts - "Theatrical
t.. R2 Japan - (Comstock - TV version) - No cuts - "TV version"
u.. R2 Spain - (Manga Films) - No cuts - "Theatrical version"
v.. R2 United Kingdom - (Castle - Theatrical version) - No Cuts -
"Theatrical version".
w.. R2 United Kingdom - (Castle - TV version) - No Cuts - "TV version".
x.. R3 Korea - (Spectrum - TV Version) - No Cuts - "TV version".
y.. R4 Australia - (Force Entertainment) - No Cuts - "Theatrical version".
z.. R4 Australia - (Force Entertainment - TV version) - No Cuts - "TV
aa.. R4 SE Australia - (Force Entertainment) - No Cuts - "Theatrical
"Joseph S. Powell, III" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message
>I seem to remember the Sci-Fi channel's Extended cut of Dune being a lot
> longer then 30 extra minutes....anyone know if the DVD is the same cut
> shown
> on Sci Fi?
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