Posted by Winfield on 01/11/08 03:19
Derek Janssen wrote:
> Like the DVD settlement, Toshiba eventually WANTED to settle with Sony
> back in the first '06 skirmishes, but *someone* told them to back out of
> the negotiations and stay stubborn, and fight to the last man.
> It's not cynical to say that MS wanted that VC-1 monopoly out of the
> whole deal, and that that particular annexation-of-Poland was the one
> single reason why the War went on a lot darn longer than it should have...
http://www.iwebtool.com/shortcut/22113 (shortened version)
"Origins of the Blu-ray vs HD-DVD War"
... rather long article that recaps the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
but confirms what you say above, Derek.
- = - = -
I feel better about purchasing Blu-ray hardware (VC-1 is also in the BD
specification). Apparently VC-1 is MS's ripoff of H.265 spec.
http://www.iwebtool.com/shortcut/22114 (shorty)
Microsoft really is evil. Apple managed to save it's QuickTime
diamonds. HP actually developed the BDj (java) stuff!
Well, that is enough drama for this evening. Beam me up, Scotty.
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