Posted by POD {ҿ} on 01/22/08 17:50
"Gravity" <spaceman@sucks.com> once tried to test me. I ate their liver
with some fava beans and a nice chianti
> KG: I'll go back to what we've said over and over: the set-top player
> is the primary movie device. If you look at the attach rate of how
> many movies are bought for dedicated HD DVD players versus how many
> movies were sold for the PS3 and the Blu-ray set-top players combined,
> it's a 4 to 1 gap. Which says that people who own game machines are
> not buying at the same rate as someone who owns a set-top. And on the
> DVD side, your primary player is a set-top.
The danger of this, is how distorted the US market is compared to the
rest of the world, and to quote figures just based on that market is as
good as bare faced lying about the facts. The truth is that the PS3 and
360 are something new, with media server facilities. Later on he talks
about the split in market linked with age, and how over 35s buy the
DVDs, well I'm 40, and the PS3 has replaced the DVD player to some
extent, since it's region locked, but I'm mainly using at a device to
connect to my media server to view downloaded content. So I'm bang up
to date, no I wouldn't have played DVDs on s PS2, but time and equipment
moves on. I can now play games, watch blu-ray and browse the web on the
PS3, and even he admits that the software keeps getting updated, so why
should I saddle myself with a "set-top" box just because I'm over 35??
I also have to laugh at one aspect of this interview, he makes it sound
like the whole HD-DVD industry is going to bloom just because American
Gangster is being released ;-)
My overall opinion of the interview is that it's half hearted, and the
towel has been thrown in, but they still want to shift stock for the
next few months.
Thank you kindly
POD {ҿ}
Oh people, know that you have committed great sins.
If you ask me what proof I have for these words,
I say it is because I am the punishment of God.
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.
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