Posted by Jim on 01/30/08 17:57
"Rick M" <rick0.merrill@gmail.com> wrote in message
> We're looking to relocate our sound board in a church
> from the back corner of the balcony to either the
> middle of a wrap-around balcony or in a 'sound booth'
> in the back.
> On argument is that the operator must be in the open
> to judge the sound.
> The other argument is that all
> audio and video and projection and recording folk
> ought to be in there own secluded, secure,
> non-distracting from the rest of the people location.
> I say that moving operators, screens, and fans are
> a big distraction, plus they will use the space for
> 18 or so people-in-pews.
> What's your view? What facts are needed?
If he REALLY cares about the sound.. The engineer needs to hear it.
If he wants to guess and just hope it is allright, then stick him in a booth
somewhere, but sounds like a bad idea to me.
What's more important to the church? Having proper sound quality? Or space
for 10 people?
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