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Re: Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)

Posted by Richard E Maine on 02/06/06 16:41

Roy L. Fuchs <> wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 12:10:57 +0100, Jan de Vries <>
> Gave us:
> >say this out loud before you go to sleep:
> >
> >
> >Go to sleep and your wish will be fulfilled. :-}
> You're an idiot.

Ahem. I won't make similar accusations because even non-idiots do
sometimes make mistakes... such as in this case. I thought Jan's satire
obvious enough (and humorous) anyway, but for those who might have
failed to notice it, Jan *DID* include an emoticon. Those who miss both
the satire and the emoticon aren't necessarily idiots, but perhaps
shouldn't be quite so free with putting the label on others. Something
about glass houses and throwing stones.

Richard Maine | Good judgment comes from experience;
email: my first.last at org.domain| experience comes from bad judgment.
org: nasa, domain: gov | -- Mark Twain



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