Posted by Roy L. Fuchs on 02/07/06 06:27
On 7 Feb 2006 04:28:58 GMT, Jordan Abel <random832@gmail.com> Gave us:
>On 2006-02-07, Roy L Fuchs <roylfuchs@urfargingicehole.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 01:15:01 GMT, bv@wjv.com (Bill Vermillion) Gave
>> us:
>>>If someone has trouble seeing emoticons as normally presented,
>>>they could use larger ones. I submit this for your use.
>> I find it quite amusing that folks seem to think they need a new
>> language like emoticons or rap to express themselves, when plain
>> english works just fine.
>Plain written english isn't sufficient to convey various nuances for
>which tone, loudness [all caps is a binary thing, rather than the
>degrees that exist in actual sound], etc, are used in the spoken
>version - Plus, there's the obvious fact that verbal communication also
>includes gestures and, *gasp* facial expression. Emoticons substitute
>for some of these things.
Jesus, and it was even posted with a civil tenor. How rare. I
commend you. Do you need an emoticon to see what expression is on my
face? I don't think there is one.
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