Posted by Roy L. Fuchs on 10/05/74 11:39
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 21:31:17 GMT, Barry McCockiner <abc@nowhere.com>
Gave us:
>In article <jonku19naj02drsrh6aujng91ajgod6jck@4ax.com>, Roy L. Fuchs
><roylfuchs@urfargingicehole.org> wrote:
>> refrain from top posting in Usenet.
>> ...
>> Learn to conform to the conventions of the forums you invade.
>Oh, really?
>In article <1s3ku1ds3ptt8no7lrb36enbioduqr7i71@4ax.com>, Roy L. Fuchs
><roylfuchs@urfargingicehole.org> wrote:
>> Look, JACKASS, you don't get to tell folks how or where to have a
>> discussion in Usenet. YES YOU!!! I repeat, YOU... FUCK OFF!!!
>So you're not just an asshole, you're a hypocrite, too. Nice.
There is a big difference between fucked up formatting by blatantly
ignorant individuals that post incorrectly due to laziness or outright
defiance to annoy, and free speech. Get a clue.
Folks have been cussing on Usenet for decades, and it has been ok.
Top posting has always been frowned on, and unless you know why, you
have no argument.
Actually, pointing your finger back at me further proves that you
have no argument.
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