Posted by DVD Verdict on 10/05/44 11:39
Today, DVD Verdict posted reviews of BABY TAKE A BOW, BILL HICKS: SANE
BABY TAKE A BOW (reviewed by Neal Solon, overall score 75/100):
"Baby Take a Bow feels like it was put together solely as a test to see
whether Shirley Temple could really be the box office draw that Fox
hoped she could be. This makes it hard to evaluate objectively. Your
interest in the film will hinge on how much you are interested in
Shirley Temple."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/babytakebow.php
BILL HICKS: SANE MAN (reviewed by Brendan Babish, overall score 74/100):
"Had I watched Hicks without ever hearing the epithet 'funniest human
being ever' applied on several occasions, I might have been pleasantly
surprised at my discovery. As it is, I can't help but continue to wonder
what all the fuss is about."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/billhickssaneman.php
BRAD STINE: TOLERATE THIS! (reviewed by Bill Gibron, overall
score 45/100):
"There's nothing wrong with living inside your own belief system to
satisfy your spiritual or social needs, nor is there anything wrong
with preaching to those already converted. But if you want to invite
others in, be the truly all-encompassing comic you claim to be, making
fun of people and pounding on your head like a monkey (apparently a
Stine trademark) will not do it. Being smart, not sanctimonious, would
also help."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/stinetolerate.php
CLOUD 9 (reviewed by Mitchell Hattaway, overall score 50/100):
"It took three people to write this thing and they couldn't come up with
a single laugh. Well, that's not entirely true. I did laugh a couple of
times, but that was when the movie tried to get serious, but I'm pretty
sure I wasn't supposed to be laughing."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/cloud9.php
DHUND: THE FOG (reviewed by Brett Cullum, overall score 75/100):
"During this whole fabulous mess I kept feeling I was watching a Dario
Argento nightmare after the 'auteur of spaghetti fright' had overdosed
on curry or chicken korma."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/dhund.php
FAG HAG (reviewed by Brett Cullum, overall score 65/100):
"If you don't know what a 'fag hag' is, you have no business looking at
this film or reading this review. And to take it one step further, you
probably need to have a personal fag hag of your very own to really get
any of this movie."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/faghag.php
HOUSE OF 9 (reviewed by Eric Profancik, overall score 75/100):
"While House of 9 alludes to, and borrows from, many films, it doesn't
work. Its early potential is unfortunately wasted, and you're left with
a rather mundane horror film."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/houseof9.php
LUST FOR LIFE (reviewed by Brendan Babish, overall score 70/100):
"Even the mildest drama is punctuated with a bombastic orchestra, as if
we would not be astute enough to recognize Van Gough's exquisite pain
without the aid of an overbearing tuba. It reminds me of a bad sitcom,
when an overzealous technician hits the canned laughter button after
every other line."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/lustforlife.php
NATIONAL LAMPOON'S BARELY LEGAL (reviewed by Mitchell Hattaway, overall
score 50/100):
"We judges make this joke quite a bit, but I think it bears repeating: I
wish I could just type 'it sucks' and be done with this."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/barelylegal.php
PARTNER(S) (reviewed by Patrick Bromley, overall score 71/100):
"For a movie that ultimately determines that sexuality really doesn't
matter -- it's kind of grown up in that way -- Partner(s) can't seem to
stop obsessing over the subject. Scene after scene after scene,
characters debate over what it means to be gay, or what it's like being
gay, or who might not be gay, or who's not gay but is pretending to be
gay, and gay on and gay on."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/partners.php
WALKING WITH MONSTERS (reviewed by Rob Lineberger, overall score
"By the end of the ninety minutes, I became convinced that this
documentary was an impressively realized but wholly sensationalized
rough sketch. There is undoubtedly exciting scientific postulation
buried in the images, but it's hard to tell what is real and what is
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/walkingwithmonsters.php
Mike Jackson
Editor & Webmaster, DVD Verdict
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