Posted by Nate on 09/10/05 14:38
Does any one have a copy of the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith movie without
a counter display? Every copy i've downloaded so far is just the same file
with a different name and it has something like:
RT>0:13:21:23 LTCR=0:13:21:04
at the top blocking view of the lightsaber duels.
Excerpt from Family Guy episode "To live n die in dixie":
Prisoner looking for Chris after prison break:
News Reporter: So Mr. Prisoner, now you have made a prison break whadyou
plan on doing now?
Prisoner: First, I'm gonna bang my girlfriend. Then I'm gonna kill Chris
(cut to griffin family watching this from home)
Stewie: Oh my God! Can he really say 'Bang My Girlfriend" on TV?
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