Posted by Billy Joe on 10/17/71 11:26
Psyko Niko wrote:
> I tried to download some music today ( for that matters, a song by
> Green
> Day ), and I really think some of you could be interested by that.
> First step, the search.
> As for any commercial song, I got a lot of hits. Many were obvious
> fakes, like the same user sharing a dozen copies of the same song ...
> so I filtered the search with "-my"
> I finally got a hit with a 56K user with no queue, and started to DL.
> Next step is the new thing ( at least new to me ).
> I listened to the first bits, was a good file and all.
> Point is, the AFS was set to 10m ( default setting for me ), and some
> after the start of the DL, WinMX found a dozen of sources, all of
> them withy no queue and high speed ...
> Before I could even react, some of the DL started, others got a files
> mismatch ( with both 002 and 004 errors ) ...
> And the file got corrupted, couldn't listen to the part I downloaded
> from this point, and couldn't resume the DL from the good source even
> after trimming 10K up to almost nothing.
> Any comment or explanation bout this new kind of pollution ?
> Or have I missed the news because of the holydays ?
Creating fake partials is child's play, so you might have encountered that.
IIRC one boast of the industry, tho I've not seen it, is that they can match
HASHes with a fake file, perhaps you'd encountered this too.
First, if you find a source that is complete, be sure to turn of AFS/AEQ.
If you feel desperate for more sources, use "search for alternates" and
select ONLY complete sources for download. This eliminates the former type
of fake, but certainly not the latter. AFS/AEQ is not your friend when
searching among the "protected" titles.
Of course, one problem with mis-matches is that you never really know which
source is the problematic source without a whole lotta wasted time. Perhaps
your 56K find was just a decoy itself?? :-(
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