Posted by Morton Davis on 10/14/63 11:27
I don't buy music. Never have. Never will. I have no desire to have stacks
of shit music piled up in records, tapes or CDs. I didn't download music. I
can't stand the pure crappola you produce. I listen to music on the radio in
my car, most;y classical on PBS or if they have someone on Letterman, but
mostly I turn Letterman off when your "artists" appear because mostly what
they "play" is pure shit.
I'm on a fixed income. For decades I went to the movies infrequently and was
mostly unimpressed with what I saw. Gas costs a lot now. So does that
garbage the theatres sell as popcorn. A teaspoonful of popcorn kernels and 4
ozs. of dring are now more than the ticket price. P2P gaves folk like me an
edge. We could preview films to see if they're really worth seeing on the
big screen. And those were few and far between. Even fewr are ANYTHING I'd
buy a DVD of. Y'all say "Buy the DVD and own it forever" like that's
SOMETHING. Well, it isn't. I'm not going to play that $25 movie over and
over and over and you're so-called "extra footage" and "Boxed Sets"? What
you've done is to put a crappy version of the movie into the theaters and
saved the BEST version for the DVD. The movie we PAY to see at the theater
has become NOTHING but a commercial for the DVD that will have the answer to
the scenes that werere truncated in the movie we PAID to see. The
incopmplete scenes that made no damn sense/
Here's the thing, I don't buy DVDs at stores. I buy USED DVDs from people
who are tired of them. Yard sales and flea markets are full of them. But
MOST of them, I can wait until they're on cable TV asnd THEN, if I want, I
might tape them.
In effect, you've done yourselves no good whatsoever, RIAA and MPAA. You're
not going to be experiencing any big upsurge in business. The money isn't
going to come rolling in because of what you did. Most people I know will be
buying CDs LESS and going to the movies LESS and buying DVDs retail LESS.
If you weant more money. STOP PRODUCING SHIT and try producing QUASLITY
FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU very much.
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