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Re: One more issue I have noticed since the big squeeze

Posted by George Hester on 10/06/05 21:56



George Hester
"Loco Jones" <> wrote in message
> "George Hester" <> wrote in message
> news:eHV0f.27826$
> > You know Loco I am truly sorry I attcaked you in the way I did.
> Not to worry, George, I've pretty much come to expect that - as you've
> on the offensive ever since your first appearance in this NG. May I refer
> you to your posts slamming advice offered on how to effectively
> in usenet, going back to day one?
> > I would like to explain something to you and of course you
> > can take it or leave it.
> Of course. Just as you can "take" or "leave" whatever I post here.
> I would certainly never accuse you of being a liar just because I might
> doubt your veracity.
> > I used to teach Mathematics in University to undergraduates.
> > Most were not majoring in Mathematics but in Buisness.
> > When I taught Calculus they were mostly Sophomore Engineering
> > students. But in both cases when a student asked me question no
> > matter how trivial I made it a point to answer the question.
> > Even if I knew the question showed a lack of understanding of the
> > subject I would do my best to answer the question.
> > Often I would suggest alternative ways of looking at the issue but
> > an answer to the question was always paramount.
> Well, I will have to "leave" this part certainly, since it appears you've
> given up browsing yourself in favour of patting yourself on the back.
> > There are contributors to this forum who do similarly.
> > odds AnthonyB even FatKat.
> > They almost always answer the question.
> > Before Hammerer underwent his transformoation he answered
> > the question as he read it. Some of them were funny some were
> > perplexing but he did.
> > Loco you do not do that. Very rarely do I see you ever answer
> > a question if ever. That implies something about your nature.
> > What exactly that is I'll leave it to you to decide if I have a point
> > or not.
> On "point", I'll have to go with "not", thanks.
> If you think I have rarely/never answered a question during my years of
> posting here, then you haven't been paying attention. Understandable, I
> suppose, if you view everything I write as some kind of attack upon you
> personally. The only thing implied about my "nature" is that you don't
> quite know what that is.
> You see, it's statements like this <quote> "I haven't even read this but
> I'm sure it is more of the same." <end quote>, your earlier response on
> this thread, which leads me to speculate you are no stranger to jumping to
> conclusions. I've yet to see that actually work for anyone.
> HTH and GL. HAND.
> - Loco -
> (Now Playing: Ball Of Confusion - Love & Rockets)



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