Posted by Frank Sereno on 09/08/05 23:36
MUFASSA wrote:
> Hello Everybody!
> I hope you can help me :-)
> My name is Marcin. I'm a Polish student of Applied Linguistics.
> Let's get down to the nitty-gritty :-)
> I would like to write a MA thesis on the movies SHREK 1 & SHREK 2.
> I need the audio scripts of both of them in English (the ones which
> appeared on DVD). I hope that you know what I mean - but just to be
> sure: I need all the texts which appear in the movie - It should look
> like this one:
> "Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.
> "But she had an enchantment|upon her of a fearful sort...
> "which could only be broken|by love's first kiss.
> "She was locked away|in a castle...
> "guarded by a terrible|fire-breathing dragon.
> etc :-)
> What is very important - I'm not looking for subtitles but for the
> scripts (I do not know if it's the proper word for what I mean
> therefore I copied this small fragment how it should look like)
> Now I am writing down all the texts from the Polish version.
> I would like to ask all of you - does anybody of you have something
> like this in English?
> I would be really grateful for your kind help.
> PLEASE help me :)
> If this group is not the proper one, please accept my apologies and
> write if you know on which group I should write my request
> Warmest regards,
> Marcin
Hi Marcin,
I don't have the answer for you, but I think maybe screenplay would be a
better word for what you are searching for rather than script. I don't
know where you can buy them other than these eBay auctions I found at
the following link: http://tinyurl.com/d2977
Best wishes,
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