Posted by George Hester on 10/23/05 08:45
"George Hester" <> wrote in message
> "anthonyberet" <nospam@me.invalid> wrote in message
> > George Hester wrote:
> > > "anthonyberet" <nospam@me.invalid> wrote in message
> > >
> > >
Furthermore those who share partials are ripping off the d/lder. Say you
have a partial and and someone has a file you want. First you are not going
to ask someone for his partial. You are only going to ask someone who has
the entire file because you hope it completes. To avoid the File Mismatch
error secondarily to your desire to have the complete file. Now if we keep
our partials in our shares and someone starts not by trade and then as they
get all excited they are finally going to finish the file it goes BLEEP!
RED! DISCONNECTED! Now you as the d/lder are not a happy camper anymore are
you? In fact you are wondering why the sharer cut you off. Well they
didn't. They were sharing partials. And now you will be a lucky dog if
that file will ever d/l again. When I see a user with a partial
contributing to one of my partials I cancel them out. I don't want that
from them. It's too risky.
George Hester
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